Combining M30 Apoptosense® ELISA with FIB-4

Learn how to combine the use of FIB-4 together with the M30 Apoptosense® ELISA to asses hepatic fibrosis in NAFLD already at primary care!

As NAFLD global prevalence is at a record high, and continuing to increase, there is a great need to non-invasively assess patients at risk of developing NASH and fibrosis already at primary care.

By using Non-Invasive Tests to evaluate risk group patients already at primary care, only the patients at highest risk of disease progression and liver related complications  will proceed to a specialist in secondary care for further investigation. 

FIB-4 has shown to be a valuable tool to exclude advanced fibrosis, and is widely recommended  in clinical guidelines to be used. The combination of the M30 Apoptosense® ELISA with FIB-4 could enable a more reliable identification of patients with increased risk of progressed NAFLD and might be helpful for deciding which patient should be referred to a specialist and considered for liver biopsy.

Hence, in accordance with the German Society of Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases Guidelines, a diagnostic tree incorporating FIB-4 and M30® is recommended for the use in NAFLD suspect patients at primary care.

Click here to access the Diagnostic Tree!